MeetingsSanta Fe Doorways meets on the second Thursday of each month. Time is always allotted during the meeting for lively discussion. All presentations are free and open to the public.
Meetings are held at Brookdale Senior Living Facility from 11:45 AM-1:00 PM. (until we can meet again in person, meetings will continue via Zoom)
Address: 640 Alta Vista St, Santa Fe |
Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, February 13, 11:45 -1:00
“Resolutions and Resilience As We Age”
Presenter: Eileen Joyce
After a brief introductory talk, Eileen Joyce will lead us in a discussion about resolutions, intentions, and resilience. Making resolutions or setting intentions allows us to have a mindset, an approach, to our daily actions that are in line with what we most value at this time in our lives.
Resilience is the force that keeps us going when we fall off the wagon of those good intentions. Doing what was difficult in the face of hardships has served to build resilience and now helps us deal with new challenges in aging. If you’d like to prepare for the discussion, think about two things you’d like to add or decrease this year and how you intend to do that.
Eileen is a Hudson Institute Certified Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist who has been coaching people over the past 30 years in life, work, and loss challenges. Eileen can be reached at [email protected].
Here is the link to join us on Zoom
***Please note we are unable to provide recordings of the meetings***
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 4352 7718
Passcode: A99JKa
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Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfO2uS33P
“Resolutions and Resilience As We Age”
Presenter: Eileen Joyce
After a brief introductory talk, Eileen Joyce will lead us in a discussion about resolutions, intentions, and resilience. Making resolutions or setting intentions allows us to have a mindset, an approach, to our daily actions that are in line with what we most value at this time in our lives.
Resilience is the force that keeps us going when we fall off the wagon of those good intentions. Doing what was difficult in the face of hardships has served to build resilience and now helps us deal with new challenges in aging. If you’d like to prepare for the discussion, think about two things you’d like to add or decrease this year and how you intend to do that.
Eileen is a Hudson Institute Certified Coach and Grief Recovery Specialist who has been coaching people over the past 30 years in life, work, and loss challenges. Eileen can be reached at [email protected].
Here is the link to join us on Zoom
***Please note we are unable to provide recordings of the meetings***
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 4352 7718
Passcode: A99JKa
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82343527718#,,,,*932873# US (San Jose)
+17193594580,,82343527718#,,,,*932873# US
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfO2uS33P